3 Reasons Why Now Is The Time To Go Solar

If you've ever thought about going off grid and installing a solar power system, now may be the time to do so. In addition to lower equipment and installation prices, home solar panel systems are more accessible and enticing than ever before. Not only will a home solar system eliminate or drastically reduce your electric bill, it will reduce your annual carbon footprint by 700 pounds of carbon emissions for each panel you install. [Read More]

Tapping Into The Sun With 2 Simple Steps To Using Solar Energy

As you watch the numbers in your electric bill grow, it is only logical that you will start to seriously consider solar energy and how much money you could be saving on your energy bills. The only problem is when you think of solar energy, you likely conjure up images of massive solar panels attached to your home that can be rather costly to install. As a homeowner, harnessing the power of the sun to cut your energy consumption does not have to be an expensive feat. [Read More]

5 Propane Safety Tips

Propane is used for a number of things by American households. It can heat your home, fire up your grill, heat your patio or even power your stove.  Although propane has a relatively low flammability rating, it can be dangerous if not handled properly. Here are five tips for handling it safely: 1. Turn off small propane tanks when not in use. If you use small propane tanks to power your grill, a heater or other limited-use items, be sure to turn the valve off when you finish using the appliance. [Read More]

The Dos And Don'ts Of Storing Your Propane Tanks

Whether you are looking to store the propane tanks for your BBQ grill during the winter months or simply wish to maintain a supply of emergency fuel in order to operate your generator in the event of a power outage, the manner in which your propane tanks are stored can have a huge impact on your safety and the safety of your home. Below you will learn more about the dos and don'ts of storing these fuel tanks. [Read More]