Tapping Into The Sun With 2 Simple Steps To Using Solar Energy

As you watch the numbers in your electric bill grow, it is only logical that you will start to seriously consider solar energy and how much money you could be saving on your energy bills. The only problem is when you think of solar energy, you likely conjure up images of massive solar panels attached to your home that can be rather costly to install. As a homeowner, harnessing the power of the sun to cut your energy consumption does not have to be an expensive feat. With two simple steps you can easily start to make the transition to making good use of solar energy in your home.

Install Solar Water Tubes for Heat

There is a tubing similar in composition to PVC pipe commonly used in construction projects. It is available in a range of colors from crystal clear to solid black to coincide with the interior of your home. This tubing, which can be up to several feet in diameter, also serves a dual purpose when it comes to harnessing solar power in the home. The tubes are placed in the home as pillars beneath open skylights that allow in the sunlight. As the sun shines into the water filled tube, the water is heated throughout and the heat is radiated out into the home. During warm weather, the skylights can be closed by remote to eliminate the heat.

Switch to Solar Powered Electronic Chargers

Between cell phones, tablets, and computers that power the modern way of life, you can easily use a lot of electricity just by keeping all of the batteries charged in your electronic devices. If you want to cut your costs, consider making the change to solar-powered chargers for your electronic devices. These chargers have a small solar panel that absorbs energy and stores it until you need to power up and are inexpensive to obtain, safe to use, and a logical change to make. They can be purchased at most electronic retailers and online.

When you are ready to start making changes in how much energy you consume in your home, the best place to start is with some form of alternative energy. Even though it sounds expensive, simple changes to bring solar power into your home are not that costly to obtain. Furthermore, within a few short months you could see a drastic decrease in how much you spend every month for electricity. (For more information, contact Jersey Solar or another company)
