How To Care For Your Generator's Batteries To Avoid Generator Failure

Few things are more annoying than a power outage, and an outage can be downright infuriating if you're subject to one despite having a generator. Unfortunately, generator failure is fairly common. The reasons for generator failure can be very diverse, but one of the more common reasons is battery failure. Your generator relies on batteries in order to get started in the event of an outage, so when this vital component fails, you could find yourself in the dark. Here are a few tips for making sure your batteries come through in the clutch during an outage. 

Run Your Generator Often

A generator that is left to sit for months at a time is more likely to fail than one that gets regular maintenance, which is why most generators run once per week on a test mode. Allowing your generator to run during this time doesn't cost much in terms of fuel, and it can keep your batteries from becoming corroded or otherwise losing power. 

Have Them Checked

Making sure that your batteries are on the preventative maintenance checklist is key to ensuring their efficiency. Be sure that your generator service provider checks your batteries every time you have maintenance done, whether it's the manufacturer recommended intervals, or longer like once a year. Your service provider will likely check for corrosion and general battery health using a specific set of criteria to determine whether or not you should replace the battery. It is generally recommended that a battery be replaced every 2–3 years in order to preempt a battery failure. 

Keep Them Clean

Believe it or not, one of the most common reasons why a battery fails is lost voltage from a dirty terminal. A quick cleaning will do wonders for the life of your battery, and all you need to complete this is a pair of vice grips, a terminal brush, some baking soda and water and a towel. The same steps that you use to clean off your car's battery can be used for your generator's battery if you already have a system in place for your car's battery. 

Knowing how to care for your battery can be the difference between having a normal night at home and having dozens of dollars in spoiled food and being in the dark for a night or more, so be sure you're properly maintaining your battery, especially since it only requires a few simple steps. For more information, contact a generator service like South Shore Generator Service Inc.
